How a Weekly Cleaning Routine/Rhythm Helps Me Clean More Efficiently (+ How You Can Do It, Too!)

At some point I realized I was kind of going in inefficient circles with cleaning tasks around the home. The kitchen was getting a thorough cleaning twice a week while the dining room went two weeks without being touched. I would take out the vacuum and hit the whole downstairs but clean nothing else that day. I’d wash towels three times a week but our clothing would pile up in the laundry basket. I realized this was not a good was to keep a home clean nor the best use of my time, so I decided to create a weekly cleaning rhythm and see if that would help…and I’m never turning back!

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Brooke Fiorillo
Waste Less: DIY Cleaners

I’ve been wanting to share the homemade cleaners I make and use for a while now, and finally got around to it! I’m including it in our “waste less” series because it really prevents a lot of packaging waste. Most of these cleaners use the same ingredients, so I buy a large size of say, white vinegar and it lasts for several months to make a couple of the cleaners.

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2 Books I Recommend Reading For a Motivated + Productive Spring Cleaning

I know spring cleaning still seems far off, but for someone who LOVES a fresh, clean home, I’m already thinking and planning for it! These two books completely changed the way I organize and clean. They made me actually ENJOY the process of cleaning and I truly love a clean home. Showing respect to our home by keeping it organized and clean is one of the best ways to get the most enjoyment from it.

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lifestyleBrooke Fiorillo
Waste Less: Buying + Storing Food in Tare Weight Jars

Today’s waste less post is all about the tare weight jars! I LOVE these things for several reasons. 1. You can bring these directly to a food store that offers self-serve bulk food. Since the weight is printed on the jar there’s no pre-weighing. Fill ‘em up and bring them home to store in your pantry! 2. They make it SO easy to see what you have and what you need more of ahead of time. So not only are you wasting less in terms of packaging, but it also helps with food waste. No more bags/boxes of food pushed to the back and forgotten about until it’s too late and expired! 3. They keep your pantry looking neat and orderly!

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Brooke Fiorillo
Toy Organization Station

Trying to keep toys under control can seem pretty much impossible. Kids seem to be gifted and handed down toys right and left by good-meaning friends and family, but if left untended the toy pile can grow significantly! After Anchor’s birthday and the holidays we quickly realized his toy situation was too much and had to be dealt with. I had planned to go through his toys before the holidays to make room for new ones, but the season became too busy and I never got around to it. So there we were, January and swimming in toys!

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our homeBrooke Fiorillo