How Do You Want Your Home to Feel?

Often we try to define our design style with a name, but the truth is most of us have a mixture of design styles infused into our homes. While knowing what style you gravitate toward can be helpful, I have found that there are additional important questions that will help you create a space and home you love, feels authentic to you, is thoughtful and allows you to live in your home the way that best suits your and your family’s needs. One of those questions is the one we’re talking about in today’s post: How do you want your home to feel?

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design_decorBrooke Fiorillo
3 Approachable Decluttering Methods to Implement Into Your Routine

Decluttering and organizing can feel SO daunting, especially if you feel like your home has gotten away from you and more things are coming in than going out. But it IS possible to get your calm home back, or create one if you never felt you had it. The solution is to take a bite size approach to decluttering. When we break it up into small decluttering sessions that can easily fit into your day, it becomes more approachable, manageable and has a greater chance of leading to success. Here are some methods you can implement right now:

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organizationBrooke Fiorillo