Capsule Home and Practical Minimalism

What is a capsule home? It’s something that popped into my mind a few months ago while looking into capsule wardrobes and the beautiful simplicity of them. How wonderful would it be to apply that same strategy in a way to the home? The beauty of a capsule wardrobe is that it takes the stress out of getting dressed each day by creating a cohesive look with all the necessary pieces. Everything works together. Sounds exactly like my goal for our home!

I also realized how much stuff has again accumulated in our home, how clutter negatively effects my mood and my family’s mood, leads to disorganization which leads to stress and which led me to say, “enough—I need to get back to the basics of simplicity.” This doesn’t mean boring or stark at all! This means a practical approach to minimalism, keeping the coziness factor but eliminating the extra stuff. It’s about not giving in to the pull to buy a bunch of new home items just because it’s a new season. It’s about learning to be creative with what we have and making space to enjoy a quality life.

A great time to utilize a capsule home decorating strategy is when putting together a new room, decorating for the seasons or editing a space in the home.

To me, this does not mean any hard and fast rules. Everyone has certain items that are important to them— to me it’s books and I love having a room full of them (our library) because it simply makes me happy! It’s also about the process of getting there. It will take time and new habits. I’m definitely still learning, taking it space by space. Read on below for what a capsule home means to me.

What a capsule home and practical minimalism means to me:

  • Everything has a place

  • Minimal to no clutter

  • Only items we love or need

  • Quality pieces

  • Cohesive home

  • Intentional and/or functional decorating

  • Less needing to store away

  • Not hanging onto items that no longer serve me or my family

  • Cozy, personal, thoughtful

  • Less impulse purchasing

  • More quality time for family, hobbies and relaxation

I’d love to know your thoughts on this topic! Do you feel more frazzled and irritable when there’s a lot of clutter in your home? Do you think it would feel freeing to let go of the need to make constant purchases and let go of things that no longer serve you?

Brooke Fiorillo