Spring Cleaning in 5 Steps

spring cleaning in 5 steps | root + dwell

Does anyone else get as excited about spring cleaning as I do?! Maybe it’s more of the result than the actual process that’s most enjoyable haha but we have to get there somehow! Today I’m sharing 5 steps to spring cleaning that will hopefully ease any stress you have about it as it gives the process some structure.

  1. Organize + Tidy

    This is SO important to do before actual cleaning. It will make the cleaning process much easier, and should not be rushed through. This is a good time to go through closets and drawers that have been neglected and collected over the year. Go through, donate/trash/recycle, then put things you decide to keep in their rightful place.

    Clear all clutter from floors and tabletops so vacuuming and cleaning is a breeze!

    Suggested organization reading: Spark Joy

  2. Prep Your Cleaning Supplies

    Whether you make your own cleaning solutions or use store-bought, make sure you have plenty of what you need. Gather all of your cleaning supplies in one place as if you’re ready to deep clean, and see what needs replacing so you’re not scrambling to find things when you’re actually in cleaning mode!

    You can check out my post on all of my homemade cleaner recipes here!

    Items I have on hand for cleaning:

    homemade cleaners
    microfiber cloths
    rags made from old t-shirts and sheets
    vacuum and attachments
    baking soda
    bucket for soapy water
    floor steam mop

  3. Create a Schedule + a List

    I like cleaning by room, but create a schedule however you plan to go about your cleaning.

    Next create a list of all tasks that need to be completed in that room, including things you don’t get to during the year like cleaning the light fixtures, cleaning out the dryer and washing the outside of the windows.

  4. Begin!

    Start your deep cleaning! No one said spring cleaning needs to be done in a week. Whatever works for you to do a thorough job is the best timeframe. If it’s over one week or over the course of several weekends, it doesn’t matter as long as it works for you!

  5. Keep it Clean

    Keep up with regular cleaning and organizing so things don’t get out of hand and your spring cleaning next year is a breeze! I have a post all about how having a cleaning rhythm makes cleaning so much more efficient if you want to check it out!

Spring Cleaning in 5 Steps | root + dwell

What are your spring cleaning secrets?!