Low-Waste Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Great

Low-Waste Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Great | root + dwell

In keeping with the cleaning theme this month, I’m sharing some low-waste ways to keep the home smelling fresh and good! There’s something so nice about walking into your home and being greeted by your favorite scents.

Different scents can conjure up different feelings, memories, induce relaxation or energy. It’s no wonder candles and diffusers are so popular! Or maybe scentless, fresh and clean is more your thing. Whatever it is, I have ideas on how to get it low-waste in this post!

Low-Waste Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Great | root + dwell
Low-Waste Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Great | root + dwell
  1. Open windows

    Simple but so effective in getting a fresh scent in the home! Even short bursts of this in the winter can have a massive effect on getting stagnant indoor air moving.

  2. Make your own air fresheners

    I share how I make mine in this post.

  3. Make your own candles.

    Its SO fun and it’s a great way to recycle jars around the house. You can reuse old candle jars, clean and use coconut oil or jam jars, planters, etc. This is the recipe I use.

  4. Diffuse oils

    One of my favorite ways to get my favorite scents into the home! Come up with your own combinations and/or use scents based on your mood.

  5. Keep it clean

    Keeping a clean home is one of the best ways to keep it smelling fresh! See this post for my homemade cleaners and this post where I talk about the benefits of a cleaning rhythm.

  6. Incorporate plants

    It’s no secret that plants clean the air, and clean air leads to a fresh smelling home :)

Low-Waste Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Great | root + dwell

What are some low-waste ways you keep your home smelling good?!

lifestyleBrooke Fiorillo