April Favorites
In this month’s favorites, I’m focusing more on moments rather than products. Looking for gratitude in this difficult time is so important. Home is definitely our happy place, but sometimes leaving it can make us appreciate it more, so being in quarantine can lead us to forget how special home really is! Dan and I were talking about how we may one day look back on this time with fondness as weird as that may seem. The extra time we have together as family with no outside obligations is rare and we are acknowledging how important it is to savor this! So today I’m sharing some things that are making this time special for us.
Everything blooming! We have extra time to really appreciate nature coming back to life and see all stages of the spring blooms.
Enjoying more outdoor time as a family. Without Dan’s long commute we are able to get outside as soon as he’s done with work in the afternoons which is so nice! Also with our weekends freed up we have all day to be outside if we please :) We’ve been getting back into hiking which has been so nice!
Zoom workouts with friends! My neighbor is a fitness instructor so has been offering workouts several times a week via zoom! I’m not a gym person— I usually stick to yoga and walking—so it’s been nice to get out of my comfort zone.
I love seeing the creative ways people are finding to connect, continue learning and acclimate their business/work. Humans have such an ability to adapt and it’s amazing to see!
Lots of crafting! I know it seems like I craft a lot, and I do more than the average person, but it was definitely lessening. I have more opportunities now to craft with Anchor (I love coming up with fun ideas or doing something I find on Pinterest or instagram) and to sketch which I totally miss! Sketching for me is such a relaxing activity and I really want to keep this habit going.
The DIY foraged gift I made to drop off on someone’s doorstep and brighten their day! I cohosted Katie Bookser’s DIY Monday, and that’s the project I contributed :) It’s saved to my DIY highlights on instagram!
Finding new shows to watch together after Anchor goes to bed. We really liked Little Fires Everywhere and are now enjoying High Fidelity on Hulu.
Slow days relaxing, doing puzzles, reading and playing boardgames.
It will be interesting to see how much of this slowing down and enjoying simple togetherness will stick around once things go back to normal. We are pretty good about making sure we have slow, quality time together but life gets busy and rushing around in inevitable! I’m going to do my best to keep these simple things that I’m enjoying right now a part of my life always <3
What are some of your special moments you’re treasuring right now?
DIY foraged gift | foraged bouquet, pressed flower card and homemade tic-tac-toe using a branch and cloth bag. This can be found in our “DIY” highlight on instagram.