R+D Thoughts + Updates

R+D Thoughts + Updates | root + dwell

(This post contains an affiliate link.)

We are starting a new series— root + dwell thoughts + updates where we will share some behind the scenes stuff, what we're currently working on, some of our favorite products and more!

So, here it goes:

R+D Thoughts + Updates | root + dwell

1. We LOVE these Flyaway sticks.

"Made with non-toxic orange oil, they naturally keep bugs at bay without harming local populations of bees" and they smell AMAZING. Seriously, we would just light them for the smell. It makes our outdoor space smell SO SO good. Have I mentioned they smell amazing? We got our Madison James Flyaway Sticks from Terrain.

2. Website Organization

I've been working on organizing our website to be a little easier to navigate and also make room for our portfolio and before and after photos. Let us know what you think!


3. Hydrangea Love

I have been obsessed with hydrangeas in landscaping lately. I feel like it really gives a home that New England look. We planted a few in front of our house and I can't wait to see how they look once they mature!

4. House Projects

We currently have 2 house projects in the very beginning planning stages and I am so excited about both of them! We will be sharing more soon :)

Have a lovely day! 


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