Hammock Hangout

hammock hangout | root + dwell

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We've been working on setting up little vignettes, or hangout spots, in the backyard. It's nice having different sections that work alone as well as a whole for small to large gatherings or just as a family.

One thing I knew I wanted to add to the back for fun variety was a macrame hammock. Once we figured out the spot we wanted it in, we had to figure out a creative way to install it. The tree on the other end isn't strong enough, so Dan came up with this post idea and we topped it off with this really pretty copper post cap.

Dan dug a deep hole in the mulch bed and used two bags of 50lb concrete mix, rigging up two support posts while it dried.

I added in some solar paper lanterns and surrounded the area with a couple of plant pots. We will probably add a little side table for drinks at some point, too!

hammock hangout | root + dwell
hammock hangout | root + dwell
hammock hangout | root + dwell
hammock hangout | root + dwell
hammock hangout | root + dwell